Katerina Dalakoura
Associate Professor in History of Education and Gender History
Office: 011Office hours: Thursday 10:00-11:00, Friday 14:30-15:30
Phone: 28310 77234
Email: dalakoua@uoc.gr
Printable CV (.pdf)
Curriculum Vitae
- BA in Philosophy, Psychology & Education Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- MA in History of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- European Diploma in Education and Training (University of Glasgow, University of Palma de Mallorka, University of Reinnes)
- Ph.D, in history of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Title of thesis: “Women’s Education in the Greek Communities of the Ottoman Empire (19th cent.-1922): women’s socialization, patriarchy and nationalism, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2004.
- PostDoc: “Gender and the Construction of Teachers’ Professional Identity (19th 20th centuries) (A.U.Th, 20042006)
Teaching and Research Experience
a) Teacher in state secondary schools (1987-1998),
b) Teaching in programs of further education and training for teachers and teachers’ educators (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1993-1996 & 2000-2003)
c) Conjunct lecturer in Gender and History of Education (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and University of West Macedonia, 2004-2006),
d) Lecturer (2007-2011) in History of Education, Dept. of Philosophy and Social Studies, University of Crete.
e) Assistant Professor (2011- 2014) in History of Education, Dept. of Philosophy and Social Studies, University of Crete.
f) Assistant Professor with Tenure (2015 -2017) in History of Education, Dept. of Philosophy and Social Studies, University of Crete.
g) Associate Professor (2017- today) in History of Education and Gender History, Dept. of Philosophy and Social Studies, University of Crete.
Research Interests
- History of Women’s Education (education and nationalism, gender and national identities, subjectivities, women educators, educational ideas and theories)
- Women’s and Gender History (women’s press, social activity, feminisms).
- History and Education History Methodology
- Historiography
Historical period: 18th -20th centuries, Ottoman Empire, Balkans, Greece
Publications (selected)
Books and Translations
- (2000) The Central High School for Girls of Thessaloniki (1854-1914): Girls` Education in Thessaloniki during the last century of the Ottoman period [in Greek]. Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis Press.
- (2006) (Translation) Madlein Arnot, Reproducing Gender: Educational Theory and Feminist Politics, trans. Katerina Dalakoura & Xristina Athanasiadou (original title: Reproducing Gender?). Athens: Metaichmio.
- (2008) Women’s Education in the Greek Communities of the Ottoman Empire (19th cent.-1922): women’s socialization, patriarchy and nationalism [in Greek]. Athens: Gutenberg.
- (2015) (in collaboration with S. Chagistefanidou and A. Chourdakis), eds. Historiography of Greek Education: Reassessments and pros.pects [in Greek]. Heraklion: Faculty of Letters Press, University of Crete, 2015.
- (2016) (co-author S. Ziogou-Karastergiou), Women’s Education – Women in Education (18th -20th Centuries): Social, Ideological and Educational Transformations and Women’s Interventions. Athens: Hellenic Academic Libraries, 2016, URL http://hdl.handle.net/11419/2585 [ebook]
- (2017) Dalakoura K. V. Deliyanni-Koemtzi, Ch. Tzikas, V. Foukas, eds. History of the Greek education Issues and Gender (19th -20th centuries): Honorary edition to the Emeritus Professor Sidiroula Ziogou-Karastergiou [in Greek]. Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis, 2017.
- (2018) (translation) James C. Albisetti, Joyce Goodman, and Rebecca Rogers, I defterovathmia ekpaidefsi ton koritsion ston dytiko kosmo, trans. Katerina Dalakoura and Andriana Sakka, scientific ed. Katerina Dalakoura (original title: Girls’ Secondary Education in the Western World). Athens: Gutenberg, 2019.
Papers in journals, edited books, and conference proceedings (selectively)
- (2000) “The Nationalistic Dimension in the Upbringing and Education of Young Greek Women in the Territories of the Ottoman Empire during the 19th Century”, in: Nikos P. Terzis (ed), Education in the Balkans: From the Enlightenment to the Founding of the Nation-States( 315-332). Thessaloniki: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, Kyriakidis.
- (2000) “Women’s Education in Thessaloniki and Philippoupolis (Plovdiv) (19th century-1922)” [in Greek] in E. Chekimoglou (ed) Thessaloniki and Philippoupolis in Paraller Processes: History, Arts and Culture (18thc. – 20th c.). Thessaloniki: Cultural Society of Entrepreneurs of North Greece.
- (2000) (in collaboration with K. Deliyanni, S. Ziogou, Th. Chasekidou), “Teenagers’ Views on Gender and Citizenship: Representations of the Private and Public Sphere» [in Greek], in Greek Paedagogical and educational Research, 2nd Greek Conference, vol. 2, 769-791. Athens: Atrapos, 2000.
- (2005) “Administrative Forms, Classification of Knowledge and Social Reproduction in Female Education (19th c. –beginning of 20th c.)” [in Greek], in Sofia Iliadou-Tachou & Andreas Andreou (eds), Greek education (18th c. – 20th c): Research issues. Florina: University of West Macedonia Press.
- (2006) “New Perspectives and Methodologiecal Approaches in the Historiography of Greek Education” [in Greek] in Chr. Tzikas (ed) History and Historiography of Education, Conference Proceedings, Thessaloniki: Epikentro Press, pp. 105-122.
- (2007) “Education and Female Consciousness in the Creek Communities of the Ottoman Empire (19th c) The Hindrance of the Emergence of a Feminist Consciousness” [in Greek], Ariadne 13:223-244.
- (2007) (co-author S. Ziogou-Karatsergiou), “Professional identity of women teachers” [in Greek], Epistimes tis Agogis [Education Sciences], 4 :19-31.
- (2009) “The Mathematical Education of Women in the Greek-spreaking Areas”, in M. Kourkoulos and K. Tzanakis (eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Two-Days Conference on the Didactic of Mathematics, vol. 1, 459-456. Rethymno: University of Crete, 2009.
- (2010) “‘Ladies’ Newspaper’: Discourses on female teachers”, [in Greek] in S. Ziogou –Karastergiou (ed) Life Stories of women teachers. Thessaloniki: Vanias, pp.377-395.
- (2010) “Discourses on Education in Ottoman Greek Women’s Journals (19th c.- 1908): Women’s Popular Education” [in Greek], Mnimon 31 (2010): 115-150.
- (2011) İstanbul’da Yayınlanan (19. yy. – 1908) Rumca Kadın Dergilerinde Eğitim Üzerine Tartışmalar, Kebikeç: İnsan Bilimleri İçin Kaynak Araştırmaları Dergisi 31 (2011): 29-52.
- (2011) “The Moral and Nationalist Education of Girls in the Greek Communities of Ottoman Empire (c. 1800-1922)”, Women’s History Review, Special Issue, vol. 20, no 4 (September 2011): 651-662.
- (2012) “Women and Education (1828-1950): negotiating limits, overcoming boundaries”, Adult Education and Culture in the Community 8 (December 2012) http://cretaadulteduc.gr/blog/?cat=24
- (2012) “Challenging Education in the Ottoman Greek Female Journals (1845-1907): a Declining Feminist Discourse”, Knjizenstvo 2 (2) (2012) http://www.knjizenstvo.rs/magazine.php?category=22
- (2015) «Between East and West: Sappho Leontias (1830-1900) and her Educational Theory”, Paedagogica Historica 51, no.3 (2015): 298-318 (DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2014.929593)
- (2015) “Gender and Education in the Greek Historiography” [in Greek] in E. Fournaraki, G. Gotsi, N. Dialeti (eds), Gender in the Greek History, Athens: Asini Press, 2015 (ISBN 978-618-80872-9-3)
- (2015) “History of Education Issues [Themata Istorias tis Ekpaidefsis] (Greece)”, in Connecting History of Education: Scientific Journals as International Tools for Global World, eds. J.L. Hernandez Huerta, A. Cagnolati, A. Diestro Fernandez. Series Education, no. 3. FahrenHouse: Salamanka (Spain), 2015, 31-35.
- (2016) “Gender and the Greek Historiography of Education (1970-2012)”, Espacio Tiempo y Educacion 3, no.1 (2016): 363-381.
- (2017) “Paradoxes, Contradictions and Dilemmas in Greek Women Teachers’ Life and Work (19th century –Interwar Period)”, in Antonella Cagnolati, Antonio Francisco Canales (eds), Women’s Education in the Mediterranean World: Historical Perspectives (19th -20th centuries), pp. 63-90. Series: DONNE NEL NOVECENTO. Roma (Italy): Aracne, 2017.
- (2017) “Changing Identities in Ottoman Context: The National «Self» and the «Other» in 19th Century Greek Women’s Writings”, Espacio Tiempo Y Educacion, vol. 4, 1 (January 2017): 1-21. http://www.espaciotiempoyeducacion.com/ojs/index.php/ete/article/view/173/116
- (2017) Guest editor of the thematic issue “Education in Southeastern Euripe: From Empires to Nation-States”, Espacio Tiempo Y Educacion, vol. 4, 1 (January – July 2017).