Antonios Georgoulas
Office: 101Office hours:
Phone: 28310 77212
Email: georgoul@phl.uoc.gr
Curriculum Vitae
- Sociology and Ethnology at University of Human Sciences of Strasbourg (1979-1989).
Teaching and Research Experience
- Professor of Sociological – Anthropological Theory
- Epistemology of Social Sciences.
- I’ am currently working on the relations between the sociology of sciences and the standpoint’s epistemologies.
Publications (selected)
- Trajectories in convergence: Rural emigration and the formation of labor space in Greece, Athens„ 1997
- Invisible paths: Differentiation, name’s practices, identity, Athens, 1997
- Politics of the social theory. Categories of thought and social structures, Athens„ 2006
- The project of equality and genesis of sociology: Introduction to dialectics between social science and its object, Athens, 2008.
- Social theories in action. Conceptual and ideological change, Athens, 2010
- The genesis of sociology and modern anthropology, Athens, 2014.
- Transformations in education. Modern ideology and procedures of symbolic domination, Athens, 2017.
- The struggle of standpoints. Structure and transformations of the social science, Athens, 2020.
Edited books [with translation and introduction]
- Emile Durkheim & Marcel Mauss, De quelques formes de classification primitive, Athènes, 2001.
- Emile Durkheim, Pragmatisme et sociologie, Athènes, 20011.
- Emile Durkheim, Sociologie et philosophie, Trikala, 2015.