Stamatina Kaklamani
Associate Professor
Office: 014Office hours: Thursday 10:30-11:30, Friday 13:30-14:30
Phone: 28310 77214
Email: kakltina@uoc.gr
Printable CV (.pdf)
Curriculum Vitae
Stamatina Kaklamani is Assistant Professor of Social Statistics and Methods of Social Research at the University of Crete, Dept. of Philosophy and Social Studies.
She received a MA in Sociology (1989) and a D.E.A. in Sociology (1990) from Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, Faculté des Sciences Sociales. She completed her Ph.D. in Sociology (1996) at the same University in ‘Social Changes, Mutations, Crises and Conflicts’ (Strasbourg-France).
Teaching and Research Experience
She has been a Visiting Assistant professor at Crete University, Dep. of Sociology, Democritus University of Thrace, Dep. of Social Administration Research, Piraeus University, Dep. of International and European Studies, (1996-2002). Fellow in the Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analysis, Dep. of Planning and Regional Development, Univ. of Thessaly (2000 today).
Research Interests
Long term relationships (family, friendship, work). Unemployment and Migration.
Publications (selected)
- T. Kaklamani - D. Ioannou, Unemployment and Social Exclusion, in A. Moschonas ed., European Union: Actual Questions, Athens 2000, Exantas. Kaklamani S., Duquenne ? . ? ., (2001), La Population des zones de montagne: modélisation des indices démographiques et économiques de classification, In: “Les dimensions spatiales des phénomènes démographiques” (eds: ? . Kotzamanis, V. Pappas). Presse de l’Université de Thessalie.
- T. Kaklamani, Women’s Opinion about the Marriage Institution, International Congress of Sociology, Social Evolution in Greece and Europe, Panteion University, Athens 24-26 May 2001, Hellenic Sociological Association, National Centre of Social Studies (EKKE).
- T. Kaklamani- ? . Papadakis- ? . Tsimpos, The Long-lasting Unemployment as a Factor of Social and Economic Exclusion, G . ? . Tsobanoglou, G. Korres, ? . Giannopoulou ed., Social Exclusion and Integration Policies, , Papazissis, Athens 2005.
- T, Kaklamani - G. Kotsifakis, Mortality in Greece (1960-1999), in: B. Kotzamanis (ed.) The demographic challenge, facts and risks, Volos, LADS- University Press of Thessaly, 2006.
- M. Duquenne, S. Kaklamani, « Dimensions et caractéristiques dominantes de l’immigration économique en Grèce », Les migrations internationales : Observation, analyse et perspectives, AIDELF, Colloque International de Budapest, Hongrie, 20-24 septembre 2004, Paris 2006.