Nikolaos Vafeas
Associate Professor
Office: 013Office hours: Tuesday 16.30-16.30, Wednesday 13.40-14.30
Phone: 28310 77206
Email: vafeas@fks.uoc.gr
Curriculum Vitae
Born on July 29th 1970 in Athens, Greece. BA in Sociology (1992), Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens. Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (1993), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Ph.D. (1998), European University Institute, Florence. University Career: Adjunct Lecturer, University of Crete, Department of Political Science (2001-2004). Lecturer of Political Sociology, University of Crete, Department of Philosophy and Social Studies (from March 2006). Selected Publications: “Karen Barkey: Bandits and Bureaucrats. The Ottoman Route to State Centralization (Book Review)”, Dokimes, 4, Spring 1996, pp. 231-244 (in Greek); «Le campagne elettorali in Grecia: un primo approccio», in La campagna elettorale nell’Europa mediterranea (secoli XIX-XX), special issue of Memoria e Ricerca, vol. 8 (luglio-dicembre 2001), pp. 79-97; «La politica greca degli anni Venti e Trenta fra violenza fisica e violenza verbale», in La violenza politica tra le due guerre mondiali. Culture, pratiche e linguaggi nell’Europa mediterranea, special issue of Memoria e Ricerca, vol. 13 (maggio-agosto 2003), pp. 69-88; «De la “Tercera Civilización Helénica» al «paciente en quirófano»: Antiparlamentarismo y Anticomunismo en el régimen del 4 de agosto de 1936 y en la Dictadura del 21 de abril de 1967» [with N. Kotaridis], in Las dictaduras del sur de Europa: Grecia, Portugal y España, special issue of STUDIA HISTORICA. HISTORIA CONTEMPORANEA, vol. 21 (2003), pp. 65-81; “From Banditry to Social Movements: The Case of “Yagadika” in Samos”, in Ch. Dermentzopoulos - V. Nitsiakos (eds), Facets of Popular Culture, Athens: Plethron, 2007, pp. 111-129. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Dokimes: Journal of Social Studies” [Greece].
Research Interests
Political Sociology, Historical Sociology, Social Theory, Modern and Contemporary History, Epistemology of Social Sciences