Irini-Fotini Viltanioti
Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy
Office: 024Office hours: By appointment
Phone: 28310 77207
Email: viltanioti@uoc.gr
Curriculum Vitae
- PhD (Doctorat) in Ancient Philosophy, Universite libre de Bruxelles, 2010.
- Master of Advanced Studies (Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies) in Philosophy, Universite libre de Bruxelles, 2006.
- Bachelor’s degree (Πτυχίο) in History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2004.
Teaching and Research Experience
- Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy, University of Crete, Department of Philosophy and Social Studies (since 2019).
- Affiliated Member, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, 2019-.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, 2017-2019.
- Fellow in Hellenic Studies, Center for Hellenic Studies (Washington, D.C.), Harvard University, 2017-2018.
- Lecturer and Coordinator in Early Greek Philosophy, University of Oxford, Faculty of Philosophy; Out-Tutor in Early Greek Philosophy, St Hugh’s College and New College, Oxford, 2016-2017.
- Wiener-Anspach Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford, Faculty of Theology and Religion; Junior Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford, 2015-2016.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Ancient Philosophy (Neoplatonism), University of Oxford, Facutly of Philosophy and Corpus Christi College, 2014-2015.
- Wiener-Anspach Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford, Facutly of Philosophy and Corpus Christi College, 2011-2012.
- Chargee de recherches, Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS (Belgium), 2011-2015 (2014-2015: Honorary).
- Teaching Assistant (Assistante Chargee d’Exercises) in Philosophy and Religious Studies, Universite libre de Bruxelles, 2010-2011.
- Teaching Assistant (Assistante Suppleante) in Ancient Greek, Faculte universitaire de Theologie protestante (Brussels), 2009-2011.
- Travel Awards, International Society of Neoplatonic Studies (ISNS), 2017, 2016.
- Eugene Goblet d’Alviella Prize, Royal Academy of Belgium (Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique) for the monograph L’harmonie des Sirenes du pythagorisme ancien a Platon (2015), 2016.
- Rene Draguet Research Grant, Royal Academy of Belgium, 2015.
- Van Buuren Foundation Award for Doctoral Dissertation, 2010.
- A. S. Onassis Foundation Scholarship for Doctoral Dissertation, 2006-2010.
- A. S. Onassis Foundation Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies, 2005-2006.
- Damiris Foundation Excellence Award for the final grade and for the national ranking (second), 2004.
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Excellence Awards for the final grade and ranking (first), 2004.
- Greek Universities Excellence Award for the best grades in Ancient Greek and Ancient Greek History courses (first), 2004.
- Greek State (IKY) Scholarships for the best grades and ranking (first), 2000-1, 2001-2, 2002-3, 2003-4; for the final grade and ranking (first), 2004.
Research Interests
Neoplatonism, Early Greek Philosophy, Pythagoreanism, Plato
Publications (selected)
- 2020. “Synesius of Cyrene: Philosophy and Poetry “Sharing the Same Temple”.” In The Routledge Handbook of Early Christian Philosophy, ed. M. J. Edwards, 528-548. Abingdon; New York: Routledge.
- 2020 (co-authored). “La Lettre II attribuee a Platon et les traites «pythagoriciens» Sur la Royaute.” Ktema. Civilisations de l’Orient, de la Grece et de Rome antiques 45: 45-55.
- 2019. “Porphyre lecteur d’Homere : la place du De antro nympharum dans l’reuvre de Porphyre.” In L’Antre des Nymphes de Porphyre, ed. T. Dorandi, 21-40. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.
- 2018. “Death, Body, and Soul in Porphyry of Tyre.” Ancient Philosophy 38: 409-420.
- 2017. “Porphyry’s Real Powers in Proclus’ Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus.” International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 11.1: 24-43.
- 2017. “Cult Statues in Porphyry of Tyre and Macarius Magnes (Porph. Chr. 76 and 77 von Harnack).” Journal of Late Antiquity 10.1: 187-220.
- 2017 (co-edited). Divine Powers in Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2015. L’harmonie des Sirenes du pythagorisme ancien a Platon. Studia Praesocratica 7. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
- 2014. “Plato on Iron Reduction Technique (Ti. 60 d 2-5).” Almagest. International Journal for the History of Scientific Ideas 5, 1: 23-31.
- 2008. “Πλανωμένη αιτία (Timee 48 a).” Philosophia. The Annual of the Academy of Athens Research Centre for Greek Philosophy 38: 101-115.