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Undergraduate Courses

Winter Semester 2015-16

Division of Philosophy

ΦΓ095.1 or ΦΒ057.1 Hannah Arendt: The Human Condition
ΦΓ083.2 or ΦΑ003.3 Leibniz: Treatise on Metaphysics
ΦΒ050 Environmental Aesthetics
ΦΓ075.2 or ΦΑ000.2 Hume and Kant: Reason and passion
Φ100 Introduction to Philosophy
Φ120 Logic
Φ130 Ethics
Φ160 History of Ancient Philosophy
ΦΒ234.1 Philosophy of Sex
ΦΓ277 Introduction to the Philosophy of Kant
ΦΑ202 Γνωσιοθεωρία
ΦΒ254.1 or ΚΠΑ015 Philosophy of Culture and Education
ΦΓ283.1 or ΦΑ203.1 Introduction to the Philosophy of Wittgenstein
ΦΓ281.1 Introduction in Husserl’s Phenomenology
ΦΒ242.3 Θεωρίες Ισότητας
ΦΓ294.1 Mechanism and Vitalism from Descartes to Rousseau
ΦΒ250.19 The Nature of Art Work: Philosophical Approaches
ΦΑ301.12 The Problem of Free Will
ΦΒ350.9 Aesthetic Considerations of Architecture
ΦΒ342.4 Ειδικά Θέματα Φιλοσοφίας του Δικαίου: Πολιτικής Ανυπακοής
ΦΒ357.3 or ΦΓ364.11 Ethics and Human Nature

Division of Theory and Methodology of Social Sciences

KΨΑ050 Introduction in Psychology I
ΚΨB081 or ΚΨΓ080 Social psychological analyses of submissiveness
ΚΨΒ099 or ΚΨΓ070 Educational Psychology: Creative thinking
ΚΨΑ358 or ΚΨΓ370 Psychological and intercultural development of the twins
ΚΨΓ355 or ΚΨΑ382 Psychology of art: aesthetic experience and function of the image in the iconography
ΚΨΒ384 or ΚΨΑ364 The nature of prejudice
KΨΒ367 Temporality and development of self-concept
KKA100 Introduction in Sociology
ΚΜΑ250 Introduction in Methodology of Social Studies
ΚΚΑ134 or KKΓ110 Anthropology of Film
ΚΔΓ504 Immigration Issues in Modern Greece
ΚΚΒ418 or ΚΚΓ430 Eιδικά θέματα Ιστορικής και Πολιτικής Κοινωνιολογίας
ΚΔΓ476 Impact of the crisis on workers' health
ΚΚΑ413 Sociology of the crisis
ΚΠΑ002 Teaching Methodology
ΚΠΑ004 Introduction to Pedagogy
ΚΠΑ015 Philosophy of Culture and Education
ΚΠΒ003 Teaching Exercise
ΚΠΓ035 History of Women's Education - Women in Education
ΚΠΑ331 or ΚΠΓ333 Πρότυπα, πειραματικά σχολεία και «αριστεία» στην ελληνική εκπαίδευση (19ος αιώνας -2015)

Spring Semester 2015-16

Division of Philosophy

ΦΒ030.3 or ΦΓ077.4 Κάντ: Τα Θεμέλια της Μεταφυσικής των Ηθών
ΦΓ087.2 or ΦΒ060.1 Georg Lukács: History and Class Consciousness
ΦΓ075.3 or ΦΑ002.4 Hume: Treatise on Human Nature
ΦΓ065.3 or ΦΑ001.6 Aristotle: Metaphysics A
ΦΒ050.6 or ΦΓ065.4 Aristotle’s poetic
Φ110 Philosοphy of Science
Φ140 Κοινωνική και Πολιτική Φιλοσοφία
Φ180 Ιστορία της Νεότερης Φιλοσοφίας
ΦΓ264 or ΦΑ201.9 Εισαγωγή στον Πλάτωνα
ΦΒ233.4 The Problem of Free Will
ΦΒ255 Introduction to Philosophy of Values - Education
ΦΒ250.20 or ΦΓ288.2 The meaning of subject, beauty and truth of art for Adorno
ΦΑ204.3 Philosophy of Mind. The Self, the Body, the Person: 
Descartes, Locke, Wittgenstein
ΦΒ240 Political Philosophy: A Conceptual Introduction
ΦΒ330.7 or ΦΓ377.5 Issues on Kantian Ethics
ΦΓ357 or ΦΑ316.2 Topics in philosophical Anthropology
ΦΓ365.8 Aristotle: Politics
ΦΓ382 or ΦΑ310.3 Logical Positivism
ΦΒ330 Morality and Happiness

Division of Theory and Methodology of Social Sciences

ΚΨΑ051 Introduction to psychology II
ΚΨΒ053 Developmental Psychology II
ΚΨΒ383 or ΚΨΓ380 Social discrimination and normative standards
ΚΨΑ373 or ΚΨΒ372 Honor and shame in  psychology of emotions
ΚΨΒ368 or ΚΨΓ362 Cultural Theories on Human Development
ΚΕΑ200 Epistemology of Social Sciences
ΚΚΑ110 Sociological Theory
ΚKΑ132 or ΚΚΒ101 Sociological and Anthropological theory of Culture
ΚΚΑ133 or ΚΔΓ160 Museums: Anthropological and sociological approaches
ΚΔΓ491 Social trasformations
ΚΚΑ414 Sociology of work
ΚΜΑ550 Applications on quantitative methods of research
ΚΠΑ030 History of Education
ΚΠΑ004 Introduction to Pedagogy
ΚΠΑ016 Εισαγωγή στη Φιλοσοφία των Αξιών – Παιδείας
ΚΠΒ003 Teaching Practicum