Constantine Androulidakis, Ph. D.
Professor of Philosophy
Office: 108Office hours: Monday 12:30-14:15, Tuesday 09:00-11:30 and upon request
Phone: 28310 77205
Email: androulidakis@phl.uoc.gr
Printable CV (.pdf)
Curriculum Vitae
Born 1956 in Heraclion, Crete. Studied Law at the Law School, University of Athens. 1978: Diploma in Law; 1982: State Barrister Examination in Athens.
Studied Philosophy (main field), Logic, Philosophy of Science and Classics (Ancient Greek) at the Universities of Cologne and Munich (Bavarian State Scholarship). 1989: Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Munich.
Foreign Languages: English, German (excellent), French, Italian (reading).
1990: Lecturer of Philosophy in the Department of Pre-School Education of the University of Crete. 1993: Lecturer of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy and Social Studies of the University of Crete, 1999: Assistant Professor, 2005: Associate Professor, since 2011 Professor of Philosophy in this Department.
Research Interests
Philosophy of Kant and German Idealism, Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Religion, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Literature.
Publications (selected)
- Sittlichkeit und Freiheit: Eine Untersuchung zur Methodologie von Kants Ethik [Morality and Freedom: An Examination of the Methodology of Kant’s Ethics], Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Munich, 1989.
- Fr. Schleiermacher, On Religion. Speeches to its Cultured Despisers. Translation into Greek with Introduction and Comments, Athens: Papazisis 1997 (& reprints).
- Dionysios Solomos, Reflections. Critical edition, translation from the italian and philosophical commentary (co-edition with Massimo Peri and Stylianos Alexiou), Athens: Stigmi 1999.
- I. Kant, Critique of Judgment. Translation into Greek, with Introduction and Comments, Athens: Smili, 3rd ed. 2013.
- I. Kant, Critique of Practical Reason. Translation into Greek, with Introduction and Comments, Athens: Hestia, 7th ed. 2019.
- Fr. Schiller, On the Aesthetic Education of Man, In a Series of Letters. Translation into Greek, with Introduction and Comments, Athens: Ideogramma 2006.
- E. Freud, L. Freud, I. Grubrich-Simitis, Sigmund Freud: His Life in Texts and Pictures. Translation into Greek with Introduction and Notes (co-edition with J. Kugiumutzakis), Heraclion: University of Crete Press 2006.
- I. Kant, Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone. Translation into Greek with Introduction and Notes, Athens: Polis, 2nd ed. 2008 (& reprint).
- Ιmmanuel Kant, A Selection of his Works. Translation into Greek with Introduction and Notes, Athens: Stigmi 2008.
- Kantian Ethics: Fundamental Questions and Perspectives, Athens: Ideogramma 2010.
- I. Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals. Translation into Greek with Introduction and Notes, Athens: Smili 2013 (& reprint).
- Friedrich Schiller, A Selection of his Works. Translation into Greek with Introduction and Notes, Athens: Stigmi 2015.
- Appendix: “Kostes Palamas as a Thinker”, in: Kostes Palamas, Marginal Notes, ed. Maria Balopoulou, Stigmi, Athens 2017, pp. 111-140.
- Immanuel Kant, Groundwork [Foundations] of the Metaphysics of Morals, translation into Greek with Introduction and Comments, Heraclion: University of Crete Press 2017.
- Kantian Ethics: Fundamental Questions and Perspectives, Athens: Smili, 2nd ed. 2018.
- Book of Wisdom (Liber Sapientiae, Old Testament), translation into Modern Greek, Athens: Artos Zoes 2019.
Α.2 (editor)
- Zacharias D. Kalochristianakis, Eirene Tachataki, Captain John Ainikoliotis [1834-1930]: A Contribution to Modern History of Crete, ed. Costas Androulidakis, Heraclion: Holy Monastery of Koudoumas 2018.
- Dimitrios Bikelas, Greece before 1821. Edition in honor of the Bicentenary of the Greek Revolution of Independence, ed. with an Epilogue by Kostas Androulidakis, Bikelaia Municipal Library, Heraclion 2021.
Papers (selected)
- “The problem of content in Kant’s Ethics”, Greek Philosophical Review, 7 (1990), pp. 247-262.
- “Irrationalism versus Reason”, in: M. Dragona-Monachou (ed.), Political Philosophy Today, Athens: Kardamitsas 1994, pp. 17-23.
- “Reason and the Art of Word: Towards a demarcation of the fields of Philosophy and Literature”, in: P. Christodoulides (ed.), Aesthetics and Theory of Art, Athens: Kardamitsas 1994, pp. 15-24.
- “Is a philosophical Theology possible?”, in: J. Tzavaras (ed.), Philosophy: Its Present and Future, Athens: Dodoni 1995, pp. 85-94.
- “Dialectic and Reason in the Philosophy of Schleiermacher”, in: K. Boudouris (ed.), Philosophy of Reason, Athens: Ionia 1996, pp. 11-20.
- “The ‘Prologue’ to the Lyric Life of Angelos Sikelianos: A draft for a philosophical reading ”, Nea Hestia, 1740 (2001), pp. 832-851.
- “The philosophical background of the ‘Delphic Effort’ of Angelos Sikelianos”, DIAVAZO, 424 (2001), pp. 140-148.
- “The problem of pure Reason in Kant’s Philosophy: Modern Interpretative Approaches”, ARIADNE (Yearbook of the Philosophical Faculty, University of Crete), Vol. 9 (2003), pp. 91-110.
- Book review of: Karen Gloy, Vernunft und das Andere der Vernunft, Karl Alber Verlag, Freiburg i. Br. – München 2001, Philosophisches Jahrbuch, Vol. 110/II (2003), pp. 408-413.
- “Fundamental problems of interpretation, reception and translation of Kant’s third Critique”, Hypomnema, 1 (2004), pp. 11-36.
- “Wie ist die Metaphysik nach Kant noch möglich?”, in: K. Gloy/H.-D. Klein (eds.), Unser Zeitalter – ein postmetaphysisches?, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2004, pp. 245-259.
- “The presence of ancient Greek philosophy in Kant’s work”, in: Philosophias Agonisma: Papers presented in honor of Professor Constantine Boudouris, Athens: Ionia 2004, pp. 53-69.
- “Poetry and metaphysical Truth: Zesimos Lorentzatos and the intellectual situation of our time”, Anti, 823-824 (2004), pp. 88-91.
- Editor: Special Issue dedicated to Immanuel Kant (1804-2004), Nea Hestia, 1773 (2004). Also: a) F.W.J. Schelling : “Immanuel Kant” (translation, notes and appendix, pp. 759-773)· b) Wolfhart Henckmann : “The ‘cracked wood’ and the problem of moralization” (translation, pp. 774-788.)
- “Religion and Theology in the work of Angelos Sikelianos”, Nea Hestia, 1776 (2005), pp. 376-401.
- “The nature and the mission of poetry: Prolegomena to the Aesthetics of Angelos Sikelianos”, Nea Hestia, 1781 (2005), Special Issue dedicated to Angelos Sikelianos, pp. 315-341.
- “The problem of humanistic studies in our time”, Euthyne, 401 (2005), pp. 238-240 & 402 (2005), pp. 285-287.
- “The crisis of humanistic education”, Euthyne, 420 (2006), pp. 591-595.
- “Criticisms of Kantian Ethics”, in: K. Kavoulakos (ed.), Immanuel Kant: Practical Reason and Modernity, Athens: Alexandria 2006, pp. 109-122.
- “Gottfried Benn and the World of Expression”, Nea Hestia, 1794 (2006), Special Issue dedicated to Gottfried Benn (ed. by Costas Androulidakis and Costas Koutsourelis), pp. 739-62.
- “Costas E. Tsiropoulos and the Strength of Reflective Reason”, Parodos, 12 (2007), Special Issue Dedicated to Costas E. Tsiropoulos, pp. 1247-1252.
- “The presence of German Aesthetics in Modern Greek Thought”, in: G. Zografidis, J. Kugiumutzakis (eds.), Aesthetics and Art: In memoriam P. and E. Michelis, Heraclion: University of Crete Press 2008, pp. 27-44.
- “The Foundation of Modern Aesthetics: Baumgarten, Kant, Schiller”, in: Greek Open University (ed.), Philosophy in Europe: Texts of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, Patras 2008, pp. 125-37.
- “Heinrich Böll, and the Christendom of our times”, Nea Hestia, 1825 (2009), (Special Issue: Religion in Foreign Literatures), pp. 398-418.
- “Hegel’s Discovery of Spirit: Systematic Thought and Problematic Thought”, in: K. Kavoulakos (ed.), Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: Interpretative Approaches, Athens: Alexandria 2009, pp. 61-80.
- “Pantelis Prevelakis and Nikos Kazantzakis: Dissent and Homology”, Nea Hestia (1828), (Special Issue dedicated to Pantelis Prevelakis), pp. 1069-86.
- “Kantian Ethics: Some Questions and Perspectives”, Greek Philosophical Review, 80 (2010), pp. 163-75.
- “Reason, Freedom, and Education: The Foundations of K. Tsatsos’ Ethics”, in: Constantine Tsatsos: Philosopher, Author, Statesman, Granada-Athens: University of Granada (Centre of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cyprus Studies), 2010, pp. 61-71.
- “Philosophy and the Challenge of our Times”, Nea Euthyne, 1 (2010), pp. 18-23.
- Book review of: Jürgen Habermas, Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), The Dialectics of Secularization: On Reason and Religion, Athens: Hestia 2011, Nea Hestia, 1844 (May 2011), pp. 963-973.
- “Law According to Reason: Kantian Theory of Law”, Dia-Logos, 1 (2011), pp. 21-38.
- “Authentic Thought, Critical, Polemic and Hopeful: The Intellectual Atmosphere of Costas Chatziantoniou”, Parodos, 48 (2011), Special Issue Dedicated to Costas Chatziantoniou, pp. 5693-5703.
- “Emmanuel Levinas and Immanuel Kant - Parallels”, Nea Euthyne, 10 (March-April 2012), pp. 139-45.
- “The Philosophical Work of Evangelos P. Papanoutsos as an Attempt of a Philosophical Synthesis”, Hellenic Philosophical Review, 87 (2012), pp. 187-204.
- “Kant in search of God”, in: Stavros Zoumboulakis (ed.), The God of the Bible and the Philosophers’ God, Athen: Artos Zoes 2012, pp. 358-401.
- Book review of: Stavros Zoumboulakis (ed.), The God of the Bible and the Philosophers’ God, Athen: Artos Zoes 2012, in: Frear, 1 (2013), pp. 89-92.
- Book review of: Stavros Zoumboulakis (ed.), The Return of Ethics (Ethics Revisited), Athen: Artos Zoes 2013, in: Frear, 7 (2014), pp. 399-403.
- “Goethe’s Conversations with Eckermann”, introduction, translation and notes, in: Palimpseston, 32 (Autumn 2015), pp. 55- 92.
- “A Philosophical Approach to Karl Barth’s The Epistle to the Romans”, in: Bulletin of Biblical Studies, Nr. 31 A (June 2016), Athen: Artos Zoes pp. 47-70.
- Book review of Dimitri Kokoris, Philosophy and Modern Greek Literature, Athens: I. Sideris, 2015, in: Frear, Nr. 19 (October 2016), pp. 631-636.
- “Kant: Religion and Politics from the Point of View of Human Reason”, in: Stavros Zoumboulakis (ed.), Religion and Politics, Athens: Artos Zoes, 2016, pp. 208-242.
- “The philological education and qualification of students of classical studies: The most acute problem of our Faculties of Arts”, in: Frear, 19 (July 2017), pp. 234-241.
- “T. S. Eliot’s Christianity, and the reception of his conversion in Greece”, Nea Hestia, 1874 (September 2017), pp. 609-623.
- “Faith of Reason: Concept and Function of Faith in Kant’s Philosophy”, in: Stavros Zoumboulakis (ed.), About Faith, Athens: Artos Zoes, 2019, pp. 159-203.
- “What may I hope? Meaning and Function of Hope in Kant’s Philosophy”, in: On Hope, ed. Stavros Zoumboulakis, Athens: Artos Zoes, 2020, pp. 357-396.
- “A Right to Do Wrong?”, in: Books Journal, Nr. 115 (January 2021), pp. 8-12.
- “Why should one read Kant’s Anthropology? Its interpretative impact”, in: Deucalion, Vol. 35/ Issue 1-2 (December 2021), Special issue: The Philosophy of Kant (I), pp. 101-127.
- “Towards an Ethics in Christian perspective. A sketch of philosophical investigation”, in: Anthropos, Vol. 6 (February-May 2022), pp. 1-27.